Why not locate your business or industry in a beautiful location with less congestion, less crime, lower taxes? Jasper County is a great place to enjoy being outdoors in a mild climate all year round. Some major business and industry have settled here. How can we help you become a member of our community?
The Jasper County Economic Development District serves as a voice for the county's economic development needs. Through collaboration with other local, state and national entities, JCED is a liaison for industry interested in moving to our area. Along with the staff at Mid- Mississippi Development District, we offer information and help in securing incentives and other needs that business and industry requires. We serve the county community and industries who are seeking a convenient and profitable location. We seek to improve the county's economy and quality of life through development of resources.
Site Selection Assistance - JCED and MMDD representatives will work with a business to find a building or site that meets the companies needs.
Expedited Permit Processing - Industrial and commercial developments may be eligible to receive expedited land-use approvals and building permit processing.
Incentive Zones - Site ready Industrial Parks are immediate incentive zones, plus other areas in the county also qualify.
Workforce Development - Jasper County Economic Development works closely with Jones Junior College advanced Technology Center for workforce development. JCJC provides industries with pre-employment training and employment certification programs, up-grade training to improve current worker, skills and licensed program training courses.
Small Business Development Center - Counseling provided free of charge in areas such as Business start-up, business start-up, business expansion, business plan development, sources of capital, marketing strategies, after business planning, financial management, franchise purchases and other assistance necessary to make your business a success.
Financing - Jasper County has a good working relationship with Mississippi Development Authority accessing many of their finance programs to help our industry expand and locate new industry. Many MDA programs require an application from a government entity and Jasper County is ready and willing. Jasper County has used many MDA financial programs to help develop industrial projects. To view key MDA financial programs website www.mississippi.org
Jasper County is part of East Central Planning and Development District. ECPDD has several loan funds available for new and expanding business. This is a good source of financing to blend with other funds to make a project a success.
USDA - Rural Development is a source of financing industry expanding and new location. Some of their programs are available to government entities and then loaned to prospective industry. Rural Development has guaranteed loanprograms to banks and other programs for financial assistance to business and industry. Web site is www.rurdev.usda.gov
Jasper County is served by four banks: Cadence Bank, Magnolia State Bank, Bank First, and Merchants & Planners Bank. Our local banks are aggregative in financing business and industrial projects.