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Tax Assessor/Collector

Katrice Campbell

Tax Assessor/Collector

Contact Information:

First Judicial
P O Box 8
Paulding, MS 39348
(601) 727-4971 phone
(601) 727-3469 fax

Second Judicial
P O Box 372
Bay Springs, MS 39422
(601) 764-2813 phone
(601) 764-6519 fax

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Jasper County Tax Assessor’s Office to fairly and equitably discover, list, and value all real and business personal property for the purpose of creating the annual ad valorem tax roll in accordance with applicable Mississippi Statutes. Unlike many states where the Assessor and Taxing Authorities work together, Mississippi’s Constitution provides a clear separation between the appraisal of property and the Authorities responsible for setting a Millage Rate to raise revenue. It is the mission of the Jasper County Tax Collector’s Office to collect assessed taxes and fees and to turn over all funds collected with comprehensive reports to the Board of Supervisors and to the Mississippi Department of Revenue. The Tax Assessor/Collector’s office works under the rules and guidelines of the Mississippi Department of Revenue. The Assessor/Collector serves the combined offices located in both Paulding and Bay Springs and is elected every four years by the citizens of Jasper County. Please feel free to contact the Tax Assessor’s office if we can help in any way.

Appraisal Calendar

The Tax Assessor follows an annual calendar of events established by Mississippi Law. The following are key dates in the annual process of preparing the Property Value Roll:

  • January 1 – Assessments are based on the status of the property on this date each year. This is also the effective date for establishing the validity of exemptions.
  • April 1 –  Deadline for filing Homestead Exemption.
  • April 1 – Deadline for filing Business Personal Property returns with the Tax Assessor’s Office.
  • First Monday of July – Tax rolls are certified by the assessor to the Board of Supervisors; Any objections to the values on the rolls are made at this time
  • First Monday of August – The Board of Supervisors certify tax rolls and recaps
  • Last Monday of August – Tax Sale on all delinquent parcels that taxes are owed  (How to Particiapte)
  • September 15 – All county budgets are finalized and the tax levy is set by the Board of Supervisors. On or about
  • December 1 –  mailing date when the Tax Collector mails tax bills to property owners

The county assessor must:

  • by personal inspection and examination, gather and record any and all available data and information bearing upon the location, number, amount, kind, and value of any and all property and persons which he is required by law to assess.
  • The assessor must keep a list of all persons subject to assessment in his county. He must note all removals from the county or from one precinct to another within the county and add the names of all persons subject to assessment moving into his county.
  • This information is filed and systematically indexed and remains a permanent part of the record of the assessor’s office so that the records can be used by the board of supervisors and other officials of the county and state performing duties dealing with the assessment of property and the collection of taxes.
  • These records may be generated, filed, stored, retained, copied, or reproduced by microfilm, microfiche, data processing, computers, magnetic tape, optical discs or any other electronic process which correctly and legibly stores and reproduces or which forms a medium for storing, copying or reproducing documents, files, and records in addition to, or in lieu of, the paper documents, files, and records.
  • Another duty of the assessor is to inquire into the purchase price paid for any property, real or personal, and to ascertain and acquaint himself with any sales or transfers of property of similar description or value made or effected in the vicinity, within the year or years next preceding the listing for assessment then being made. The price paid for property should be considered by the assessor in determining the value of property listed for assessment.
  • The county tax assessor has the right, power, and authority to require an inspection of a property owner’s books and accounts, papers, memoranda, and records, and from this inspection make an estimate of the value of property.
  • The assessor may also question the owner, agent, or employees of the owner about the actual cash value of any property subject to assessment. The assessor has the right and power to inquire into and ascertain the insured value of any and all property, or into the value at which the property has been insured previously. This includes the amount of fire insurance carried on all stocks of merchandise or goods kept for use or sale, machinery, fixtures, and other property.
  • If the assessor believes or has reason to believe that the list of taxable property furnished by any person is incomplete or incorrect, or if any property has been undervalued, they shall assess the same and add it to the assessment roll at its true value.
  • In addition to these duties, the county tax assessor is also responsible for the enumeration of certain people. Specifically, the assessor of each county is to make an annual enumeration of all the ex-confederate soldiers and widows of deceased confederate soldiers residing in his county,on forms furnished by the state auditor. The enumeration should be made within the time authorized by law for making the assessment of property.
  • In counties that have not separated the offices of assessor and collector, the assessor collects all taxes, including, but not limited to, ad valorem and privilege taxes, charges, and fees of every kind and by the twentieth day of the month following collection, pay same to the collecting political subdivision without retaining any portion for his services. The assessor and tax collector is required to submit a budget of his office’s estimated expenses for the next fiscal year at the July meeting of the board of supervisors. This budget should include amounts for the compensation of deputies and other employees of the assessor and tax collector’s office, travel and transportation expenses, theft insurance premiums, equipment and office supplies, and for other expenses that may be incurred in the performance of the duties of the office of assessor and tax collector. In addition, the budget should include amounts for the payment of premiums on the bonds and insurance for the assessors and deputies that are considered by the board of supervisors necessary to protect the interests of the county.342 At the first meeting of every quarter, the board of supervisors appropriates a lump sum to the assessor and tax collector for the expenses of his office during the current quarter. This appropriation should be one-fourth (¼) of the amount approved in the annual budget unless the assessor and tax collector requests a different amount. Except in the case of emergency, the appropriation for the quarter beginning October 1st of the last year of the assessor and tax collector’s term can not exceed one-fourth (¼) of the annual budget.343 The assessor and tax collector must file a report of all expenses for his office during the preceding month with the board of supervisors for approval at its regular monthly meeting. The budget for the assessor and tax collector’s office may be revised at any regular meeting by the board of supervisors. The board may make supplemental appropriations to the assessor and tax collector’s office.344 In counties where the offices of tax assessor and collector have been separated, the individual offices should follow the budget guidelines prescribed in the code for in the combined operation of the assessor and tax collector’s office.345 Before entering office, the tax assessor and/or collector is required to take the oath of office and give bond payable in a penalty equal to five percent (5%) of the sum of all state and county taxes shown by the assessment rolls for the year immediately preceding the commencement of the term of office. However, the bond shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00).

The current year taxes are due now. A complete list of unpaid 2024 taxes for Jasper County can be found Here (updated as of 3.18.2025) Please call the Tax Assessor’s office to make a payment.

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