The Board of Supervisors meets on the first and third Mondays of each month in the Board Room at the courthouse in Bay Springs and on the first Monday of every odd month at Paulding. If a regularly scheduled meeting falls on a holiday, the Board meets on the next working day following the holiday. The Board also schedules additional meetings as they deem necessary to handle pertinent County business and in the case of emergencies. All meetings begin at 9:00 AM, unless otherwise announced, and with the exception of those provided for in the Mississippi Annotated Code, are open for public inspection. Those exceptions are most commonly personnel issues and economic development issues. If you wish to appear before the Board of Supervisors to discuss an important matter pertaining to the county, you must contact the Chancery Clerk to be on the agenda at least one week prior to the board meeting.
The administration office for the Board of Supervisors handles multiple rolls for the county. The offices of Comptroller, Inventory Clerk, Warrant Clerk, Payroll Clerk, and Purchase Clerk can call be contacted at 601-764-3469
The Chancery Clerk is the Board Clerk. Should you need to inquire anything about what is happening in the county, please call 601-764-3368.